Friday, August 13, 2004

Good Morning! It feels like fall and it's August 12th...we hit a record for the temperature high on Wednesday, only 62 degrees. I think it was in the 50's most of the day. I trained back yesterday and took my son in the Baby Jogger to rollar blade the 8 mile trail at the forest preserve. It was cool and a bit drizzly but great to be in the woods...refreshing!
Today after my daughter's gymnastics class it's shoulders and calves for me. No cardio today I have playing to do with the kids:)
There are some new photos in e-shop for sale, check them out. My photos section also has been revamped with some new pics and a new pics as well.
Well I've got to run and get Alyssa (she had a slumber party last night) and go to gymnastics.
Remember...age is a state of mind and you are as young as you feel!
Have a GREAT WEEKEND! A great friend of my husband and I is getting married Saturday and Michael is standing up. It will be nice to see a lot of old friends from high school.
Congratulations Tim and Maria!!! Tim was responsible for getting my husband and I together...he took us and Michael's brother, Gary all rock climbing at Mississippi Palisades about 10 years ago. Wow time flies!