Thursday, October 28, 2004

I Finished The Kids' Costumes!!!
What a day...tonight was one of those nights as a mother, when you want to throw yourself on the floor and cry just like one of kids:) I was relieved when the baby went to bed tonight..he was so tired since he missed his second nap-
Alyssa had gymnastics tonight.
My training is going fantastic! Even though I have been doing all upper body training for the last 3 weeks because of my knee injury (all the messy details are in my members journal:), I am remaining quite lean and vascular. I am determined to start my dieting process way ahead of the game this year in the attempt to take my composition to the next level for me. I have made improvements where they were needed and I think it will show. Dieting down to single digits is always the determining factor for me... my body loves to hang out at 20-22% off season. God just ment for me to be curvy I suppose:) So if I begin my dieting process under 18% I will be ahead!
Well time to ice my knee a bit more. I am super tired and didn't get to a lot of the house stuff today with my clients and gymnastics and finishing the kids once again I am thankful for the easy going husband I have who doesn't mind if things don't get done. Afterall...we have the essentials in the house right ;))) Those of you who are close to our family know what that means.
Night-nite:) Happy Friday Everyone!!