Thursday, September 01, 2005

Hurricane Katrina...

I am just overwhelmed!! Not only by what has taken place due to Hurricane Katrina but more so, by what has taken place in the aftermath!
I just finished watching some of the latest developements in this disaster and reading over some of the hundreds and thousands of posts on line.
Families seperated, looking for children, fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends....the lists go on and on........................................
As I sit here now typing this letter I know that I need to do my small part to help in the Coast Guard and Red Cross's efforts. I am hoping that my small part will encourage each of you reading this to do the same ..because every little bit will help.
I am donating what I make from my website for a month to the Red Cross. Although this is so small compared to the magnitude and caliper of what needs to be done I said, I am hoping my part in this will inspire all of you to do the same.
There is power in numbers!!
I thank you and so do the thousands of people who have nowhere to go...
no water or food..
no shoes on their feet...
no medicine for the ill...
Basic survival- that is where they are...
and we all had a hot meal for dinner, have a comfortable bed to sleep in and means to protect and care for not only ourselves, but precious loved ones around us!
1-800-help-now is the place to call!