Tomorrow's Guest Posing...
(36 hours to stage time- carb depleated and full of water)
Well, tomorrow is the NPC Natural Mid-States Muscle Classic XVIII Bodybuilding & Figure Championships in Belvedere, IL. I will be guest posing:)
My members have been hearing about and viewing pics of my progress the past few weeks and all the challenges that have come along too! It's been quite a week!!
My wonderful sister and her husband Lucas helped me Sunday to get my music cut and spliced together which was an amazing help!! Lucas thank you soo much for taking out 2 hours to help me during the football game!
My costume that I ordered for my performance idea was put on back order after they took the money from my account...so f
rustrating!! So Wedensday after picking Alyssa up from
Brownies we went to a costume shop and found something I could transform into what I wanted.
In addition to figuring out my choreography with my husband's helpful and creative eye, when I am drained from dieting, I was sewing a costume! Last night my mom was wonderful and helped me get the last of things done! It's going to end up great!!
Up at 5 in the morning on my bike the past 2 weeks for cardio until Tuesday morning when I had a really bad depleated morning...the carb. depletion had overcome me...4 preps this year is too much for me, 3 is really my limit, but I didn't want to pass on this incredible opportunity!!
My most faithful, loving friend and husband stayed with me to make sure I was doing ok and then we went to parent conference together for Alyssa ( pride and joy:) and he helped me with my routine. When the going gets really rough for me the last week he always steps up to help me in whatever capacity I need. He knows how hard the end is and is always right there for me!
Bodybuilding is usually seen as a solo sport, but there are soo many other people behind the scenes that bring that finished product to the stage..it is very much a group effort!!
I am extreemly excited about tomorrow! I start depleating my water today since I won't be on stage until about 8:30-9 pm. on Saturday. I have some details for my routine to finish and my tan to finish as well. Some other errends and some carbs to start filling up on. We don't have anyone to watch the kids tomorrow night..augg! I am just going to pray we figure out something..Michael really loves to see me on stage and it wouldn't be complete without him there! Wade is just not able to sit at 2 so bringing him would be really stressful..
I will hope for the best!
I think I may go out with Alyssa tonight for some mom and daughter time alone to see "chicken little":) We haven't had time alone in a while and she too is always a huge help to me the last week of prep. She gets excited now too! She even comes up with choreography ideas..I just love her so much! She is so confident yet humble and sweet! She is also such a tramendous athlete. They want to move her up to team for gymnastics..after the wonderful report we recieved at her teacher conference, at school, this week- all A's:)..we may just let her move up..I think she may be ready..she really wants to move up.
I recieved an e-mail a few days ago that really touched me and made me see that I am living and breathing my dreams:
It was from an NPC judge who had judged one of my competitions this past year and he said he was coming to see me perfrom this weekend, and was very much looking forward to it. He then said he was bringing his grand-daughter to see me and meet me. She has been going through some very difficult times and he thought I could serve as a role model for her to help her redirect her life. I was so touched by this because it is what I have always wanted out of all of "this"! The opportunity to inspire others and to serve as a role model for young people.
To have this young teen coming to meet me made me see that I have finally become what I aspired to be...and it makes me also reflect back to all that has led up to this...
I go to this event tomorrow with the feeling of pride and fullfillment in hopes that I may pass on and share this!
We all have hopes and dreams and I hope to inspire the audience to go after theirs, whatever they are...ambition is the same no matter what it is you are after in life....
I leve for Atlanta- NPC Nationals next Friday for the weekend:) and then it will be time to get into all the fun for the holidays..Thanksgiving, Christmas..sooo fun!!!
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