Thanksgiving Break Recap...
Alyssa and Wade were off from school all of last week for the holiday so I made it a point to do something fun with them everyday;) Monday we took them to the mall to see all the Christmas decorations and to see Santa0- but the boys weren't excited about that idea...we even met up with my best friend Dana and her daughter Carmella (see pics below.).
Tuesday after I finished my training I took the kids swimming and Wade had Kung-Fu. Tuesday night was my mom's fun night
out to the 'boat' for some gambling. My mom, sister, brother-in-law and brother all had a blast and I think I had even more fun watching them! My brother was the winner of the night but my mom wins for being the most fun!! I laughed soo hard watching her and screaming in excitement with her as she won $40, $25 and even $15 on the slot machines...she is just a blast!!!
Wednesday was my mom's 60th b-day! After my training we went to lunch with her, my sister, my mom's two sisters who came in from Wisconsin and my 3 kids. after that I took the kids home to do our cooking for Thanksgiving...just a few things to make and bring to all the parties.
Then Thursday morning I took the kids to the gym with me before the two Thanksgiving feasts at my husband's mom's house and my parent's house!!
Everything was fantastic! I had Thursday and Friday off from my diet regiment but managed to 'hold' everything through those two days. I am still at 168.5 lbs. right on schedule for my I am 16 weeks out from my first stop of 2009...
Friday I went to kickboxing and Alyssa took class with me:)) That was really fun!!
The instructor actually worked with me at a gym that I used to train at when Alyssa was just a how time just goesssssssss......
Then my best friend Dana cooked a feast for all of her friends...what an incredible cook she is!! Everything was amazing and we were home late.
Saturday was our big family tree cutting adventure!!!
my parents, sister and her family, my brother, his girlfriend and my family all went to pick out and cut down our trees! Such a blast! I will post a gallery of pics from that soon!
Sunday I had clients all day left at 6:30 am to be in Rochelle, IL by 8 am for 3 clients and then got in a workout from 1-2pm before meeting with two more clients out in Lake Zurich. Home by 6 pm....
soo there yah go....recap:)
What am I working on now...Kevin Noble and I are putting photos together and working all the details out for my guest posing May 2nd.
Photo orders to mail out today and a teacher conference for Alyssa.
Talk to you all soon...
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