Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Quotes For Today:
( For My client & friend are almost there!!!)

"I'm overwhelmed by the strength of my body and the power of my mind.
For one moment,
just one second,
I feel immortal."
- Diana Nyad, long-distance swimmer

"You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you cannot do."
-Eleanor Roosevelt

"Today is not the day you quit. Nor is it the day you cry. Today you know that you have all the passion and wisdom to find that quiet center of solace, serenity and strength necessary to create and sustain an authentic life."
-Sarah Ban Breathnach

I received some wonderful news...My friend of more than 14 years became a mommy on Saturday afternoon! I posted a few pictures from her baby shower a few weeks ago if you look back in my journal. Everyone is doing well but anyone who has traveled the path of motherhood knows how those first few days and weeks are....Dana I love you and I am always just a phone call away!

I am anxious to see all of them next week. A home cooked meal from a friend is always the best gift after having a baby:) I found the most beautiful card for her that hopefully will send her a hug in the mail before I can get there:)

Congratulations Dana & Joe on the birth of your daughter!!! Your lives will never be the same;))