Alyssa had her banquet last night to finsih out the competitive season. She will still have her regular practices through the summer, but no competitons until the fall.
Lots of fun for the girls. They each recieved a fun award from their coaches and our Ayssa recieved the "Strong arm Alyssa Award" for her upper body strength:) Big surprise ha;) They had a great time and so did we. Her grandparents came also to see her get her awards and to see the slide show from the year. The girls also did a dance routine to show everyone what they had learned in their dance class they have once a week during practice.

Lots of fun for the girls. They each recieved a fun award from their coaches and our Ayssa recieved the "Strong arm Alyssa Award" for her upper body strength:) Big surprise ha;) They had a great time and so did we. Her grandparents came also to see her get her awards and to see the slide show from the year. The girls also did a dance routine to show everyone what they had learned in their dance class they have once a week during practice.
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