I was on WGN News Tuesday morning with Natural Bodybuilding promotor and Mr. Natural Olympia winner, John Hansen. Myself, along with about 10 other natural competitors/champions were promoting the Natural Illinois competition I am guest posing at on Saturday in Bolingbrook, IL. I did a little manditory posing and demonstrated a 205lb. stiff deadlift on film. Here is the link to view the footage.
Here is also a photo of teen natural champ, Kris Carver and I between comercial breaks:)
For tickets and location info. go to http://www.naturalolympia.com/
Then, in celebration of my husband's new career/ position beginning next week!!:) We went downtown for for a fun beach day with the kids! My husband even rented one of those "beach bikes" and all 5 of us rode down the beach...Logie-bear loved it!!

And...a few preview shots from my shoot with Women's Physique World photographer
John Nafpliotis in June at the Jr. ationals in Rosemont. Always a pleasure working with you John:)

Keep Dreamin'
Coach Jen:)