Thursday, May 27, 2004

I finally have a minute to catch up:) My weekend was lots of fun! The surprise party for my brother-in-law was a hit..he was super surprised! Lucas finished law school last week, Way to go!!! So my sister and my parents threw him a party with 80 people invited. Hawaiian attire was required:) and everybody looked great. I even had the kids looking like they stepped off the beach of Maui. After the party I put the kids to bed and had a great night out dancing with my brother and his girlfriend. We stayed out until 4:30 a.m. I haven't done that in a LONG was tuns of fun! I was tired on Sunday but the baby slept until 7:30 a.m. so it wasn't too bad...HA-HA!
I am super happy with my training progress!! My body composition is getting back to my off-season range and I am looking tighter. I am doing cardio 5 days a week and lifting 3 days a week for now and that is working well for me. By mid June I will go back to lifting 4 days a week and cardio 4 days a week. Three weeks until Jr. Nationals where I will be doing a few photo shoots, so there will be some new photos in my off-season photo section:)
There has been much excitement in our house since my husband got onto the fire dept. He is a full-time union carpenter and just recently became an on-call part-time firemen as well. The pager is a trip. The thing goes off and he's out the door before I have a chance to look the other direction. A great opportunity for sure! It is incredibly fulfilling to see him go after one of his lifelong dreams...I am so proud of him!! I cannot think of a man more suited for this calling. He holds the two most respected and honorable jobs there are, (in my eyes), carpenter and firemen.
Our little girl will be dancing on stage for the first time in a few weeks and she finishes pre-school for the year tomorrow. Next year it's full day kindergarten...what a big girl she is! Wow...the time has gone by fast but I find every age brings new insight and meaning to my life.
Well, time to go....Have a great holiday weekend!!!