Tuesday, December 07, 2004

My Post From 12/5... has given me the opportunity to speak with many of you! I thank you for all of your supportive e-mails and your encouragement..it means so much to me to have such possive, supportive fans!

This is part of several e-mails I recieved from a fan...I just loved what he had to say and wanted to share his words and thoughts with all of you!
"Unfortunately we will never know what women could really accomplish in the sport with an even (no drugs) playing field.

Once again keep up the great work. My only suggestion is not look at it as a 'fight' but rather as an opportunity to define what a women can 'really' achieve in the sport without hormonally becoming a man (actually a superman because most FBB's have androgen levels 5-10x over even exceptional males). There are plenty of men and women out there like myself who greatly admire you for what you are doing and no matter what the placings know that you are the real winner on stage."

Best Again
